
UniForum is NousCubane’s flagship benchmarking and practice-sharing forum. UniForum is a multi-year program that enables professional service leaders to build the capabilities they need to drive continuous improvement within their university and supports similar universities to learn from each other. A unique strength of the UniForum program is its diversity in terms of the scale, research intensity and discipline mix of members.

This diversity enables UniForum benchmarks to consider factors such as scale and research intensity that are outside the control of the administration management, but focuses their attention on efficiency and effectiveness drivers that are in their control.

No other benchmarking approach offers this level of insight. Unlike other benchmarking offerings, UniForum supports the university and its academic leadership to understand what choices, often unconscious, are contributing to the results. With its leadership engagement programs and tools, UniForum provides the data and insight university, and faculty executives need to strategically manage their administration and support services.

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Some of the universities we work with